Our History
Our Chapter was founded in April 1956 by 18 members of the local DuBois area. Their dedication and passion to make our community a better place has resonated for generations, and continues to do so in the spirit of our current members.
One of the biggest initiatives that the former members took on was building and maintaining the Jaycees Pool (now known as the City Pool). This contribution from our former Jaycees has been a huge asset to our community, and continues to be a popular spot for kids and families throughout the summer months. This project cost $125,000 to complete, and has brought summer fun for thousands of people in the DuBois area.
Below are the 18 founding members of the Jaycees organization that we have to thank and recognize for their ambition and contributions to the DuBois area and overall Jaycee organization:
Our Founders
Tom Delaney
Bob Shekle
Nick Elnicki
George Hauck
Phil Kearns
Fred Reitz
Roy Sharkey
Don Smith Sr.
Don Swisher
Al Battitori
Mike Ross
Jim Swisher
Ralph Boyer
Ed Hopkins
Jack Dillman
Jack Delaney
George Williams
Loman Miller

The DuBois Jaycees get together at the the Legion in DuBois circa 1980
For more information on our Past Presidents, Distinguished Service Award winners and our town, please be sure to check out the rest of website.
If you have more historical information that you would like to be added, please contact us either online or by our email: duboisjaycees56@gmail.com.