Your name: Bob Swope
Occupation: Operator- City of DuBois & EMT- AmServ DuSan
Year you were President: 2013
How many years were you a Jaycee: 6
1.) What was the most memorable moment you had during your tenure in the Jaycees organization? When my son Noah was born, the Group got us an amazing and touching gift. And also dressing like a woman for the Relay for Life.
2.) What was the most valuable lesson your learned in being a part of the Jaycees? Selflessness. Being a part of an Organization that volunteers countless of hours so that we can make a complete strangers day a little brighter.
3.) What would you tell those who were interested in the joining Jaycees? It's both the most satisfying and exhausting task you'll ever be involved in. But in the end you'll develop great friendships, stories and honors that you can carry with you for a life time.
4.) What was your favorite Jaycee event? Christmas shopping and Easter Egg Hunt