The DuBois Jaycees recently kicked off 2019 by inducting in their 2019 board, the new Jaycee member as well as celebrated their 2018 accomplishments. As tradition goes, the Jaycees recognized three outstanding individuals for their dedication and outstanding performance throughout the year to our Chapter and its projects. Here are the 2018 award recipients:
2018 Rookie of the Year - Jamie Hoffer 2018 Project of the Year - Car Show (Darcie Grenier) 2018 Jaycee of the Year - Sheri Price
Congratulations to all of our award recipients. They are truly deserving of these honors and we are so grateful to have them as part of our Chapter.
We also wanted to congratulate our newest Jaycee member - Kayla Stockdale. We look forward to having you as part of our Chapter and its future endeavors.
Your 2019 Board
The following individuals were named to the 2019 Jaycee board. We look forward to their leadership and dedication to the Jaycees mission throughout 2019. President: Zach Dippold Vice President of Management Development: Sheri Price Vice President of Individual Development: Jamie Hoffer Vice President of Community Development: Karen Brown Treasurer: Jolene Mottern Secretary: Chris Shaw Advisor/Scholarship: Randi Johnson Advisor/Parliamentarian: Megan Vallely Advisor/PR-Historian: Summer Anderson
Congrats to the 2019 board and we are excited for another busy and fun-filled year for our membership.
Just a reminder that all our upcoming meeting dates are now listed on the main page of the website. Be sure to mark them down on your calendar. We look forward to seeing new and returning faces this year!