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DuBois Area Jaycees Attend National Meeting

Sheri Price

Three members of the DuBois Area Jaycees recently represented the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by attending the JCI USA Annual Meeting in Corpus Christi, TX. Attendees participated in a variety of training opportunities as well as voting on National Bylaw Amendments and electing 2020 National Officers. The weekend culminated with a celebration of the Ten Outstanding Young Americans (TOYA) Awards Ceremony. One of this year's recipients is Mayor Peter Urscheler (Phoenixville), 81st President of the Pennsylvania Jaycees. Leadership development through community involvement has been the basis of the Jaycees since its inception in 1920. The goal of the not-for-profit organization is to provide members a means to reach their full potential through networking and personal growth opportunities and is ideal for proactive young people ages 21 to 40. Members enhance a variety of skills as they work together to plan and run civic and individual development activities in their home communities and chapters. Some of the upcoming impactful activities the DuBois Area Jaycees organize are providing Thanksgiving dinners for families in need, holiday shopping for local students, and the annual Distinguished Citizen Award.

Pictured front (l-r): Amy Newton (Hamburg), Rey Rodriguez (Phoenixville), TOYA recipient Mayor Peter Urscheler (Phoenixville), Beth Burckley (Phoenixville), PA Jaycees President Neil Hanes (DuBois), Jennifer Radz (Greater Scranton)

Back (l-r): Sheri Price (DuBois), Bill Kramer (Hamburg), Megan Vallely (DuBois)

If you'd like to learn more about the DuBois Area Jaycees and get involved in their community projects, contact the chapter by email to, checking out their website:, or by attending a monthly meeting. Meetings are held the third Tuesday in the months of March through November at 7pm at the Fairfield Inn and Suites.


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