Pictured left to right: Mikaela Smith (VP of Individual Development), Katie Graham (Scholarship Liaison), Jamie Hoffer (Treasurer), Zach Dippold (Parliamentarian), Sheri Price (President), Kayla Stockdale (VP of Management Development), Summer Anderson (PR & Historian), Chris Shaw (Secretary). Missing from Photo - Kyle Kunes, VP of Charitable Giving.
On Saturday, Jan. 11th the DuBois Jaycees held their Annual I&A Banquet at the Bellamauro in Reynoldsville. At the event, the following Jaycees were named to the 2020 Board:
Sheri Price - President Kayla Stockdale - VP of Management Development Mikaela Smith - VP of Individual Development
Kyle Kunes - VP of Community Development Jamie Hoffer - Treasurer Chris Shaw - Secretary Katie Graham - Scholarship Chair Zach Dippold - Parliamentarian Summer Anderson - PR and Historian
At our I&A Banquet, three Jaycees were also honored for their dedication for their work in 2019:
2019 Rookie of the Year: Kayla Marie (Kayla Stockdale)
2019 Jaycee of the Year: Summer Anderson
2019 Project of the Year: Beer Tent chaired by Sheri Price
We are so proud of all of our Jaycees and look forward to this upcoming year.